Darnell & Coretha

June 29, 2024 • Montego Bay, Jamaica

Darnell & Coretha

June 29, 2024 • Montego Bay, Jamaica

Wedding Party

LaTisha Burwell
LaTisha Burwell - Matron of Honor
LaTisha is my very first best friend. We were taught by our mother that we are all we have and that's how it's been since birth. With her being my little sister, she was named Lil Coretha in elementary school.
Jerome Washington (Rome)
Jerome Washington (Rome) - Best man *Invisible*
Met this guy in '92 as he was my new krab in the drumline at DVHS, we instantly klicked & been best friends since that year, we later found out our family grew up 2gether & it went from there. We separated in '97 when he joined the air force & was shipped to Germany, but we never lost touch. He departed this 🌎 in 2021, but we always made a promise to each other that whomever gets married, the other one has 2b the bestman.R.I.H. Romello
Cornelius Lawson Sr. (Corn)
Cornelius Lawson Sr. (Corn) - Best Man
My big brother, my role model, the most reliable person you kan ask for, I have always looked up 2 him and I always will.
Christie Steele
Christie Steele - Bridesmaid
My Bestie! She’s another beauty from high school. In the hallways if you saw Juicy you seen Pooh and vice versa. That’s how tight we were. She’s the life of any party and always have her passport on deck for travel shenanigans.
Kinadee Jordan
Kinadee Jordan - Bridesmaid
My headache, my BROKE bestie, my pretty girl, Kinadee. Not only is she beautiful, she’s very talented vocally. She’s my sour patch kid.
Daylon C. Watson (Day Day)
Daylon C. Watson (Day Day) - Groomsman
My 1st born, my Darnell Jr. 2.0, my little nemo. Don't know what else to say about this young prince except his my son & I am proud of him & proud to have him by my side for our special day.
Monick Williams (Kool-aid)
Monick Williams (Kool-aid) - Groomswoman
She has been my best buddy 4 over 20 years, we met when she started marching at DVHS in 95 and have been klose ever since. She is my friend, sista, bandmate, & and all-around great buddy 2 have.
Cornelius Lawson Jr. (CJ)
Cornelius Lawson Jr. (CJ) - Groomsman
My nephew, who I have always been proud of the man he became, he's responsible, intelligent, & super funny.
Michael Johnson (Big Mike)
Michael Johnson (Big Mike) - Groomsman
Met Big Mike my 1st year at Langston n 2000 & found out we had a lot n kommon, we became brothers since that day. Big Mike is my frat brother, & an all-around good friend. He is also a smart, resourceful, huge individual who is a real family man.